A mould-resistant exterior masonry paint with a washable satin-sheen finish and up to 15 years performance.
White and pastel colours are popular options as an exterior masonry finish but, inevitably, they can require frequent re-paints due to discolouration from mould/algae growth, as well as the build-up of everyday dirt and grime.
Perma-White offers a solution in the form of an exterior masonry paint which contains an active biocide, to protect against mould growth, and a satin finish which is dirt-resistant and washable.
A water-based coating, Perma-White is quick drying and can be re-coated within 2 hours. Available in white but can be tinted to a range of pastel & light shades, if required.
Ideal for use when a washable finish is required, such as high traffic locations, where ordinary masonry paints start to look shabby not long after being painted.
There are, of course, commercial finishes available with similar properties but Perma-White is one of the few that can be applied like a regular masonry paint with easy clean-up of brushes and rollers.
Zinsser Perma White (Exterior) is available to buy online at duluxdecoratorcentre.co.uk