A paint additive to promote bonding to loose and friable surfaces such as exterior cement render, crumbling brickwork and internal plastered walls. The main advantage of this product is that it can be added to any water-based paint and can eliminate the need for a separate primer.
Can I Use this as Stabilising Primer?
Where you find patches of loose and powdery cement/plaster/render it’s best practice to treat these areas locally with a standard stabilising solution and to use a thinned coat of water-based masonry paint, overall, as a primer.
However, with some surfaces, the problem is more generalised and it just isn’t practical, or advisable, to cover most of the area with a primer that’s going to stop trapped moisture from escaping naturally.
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How to Use Owatrol Emulsa Bond?
Emulsa Bond should only be used with water-based finishes and only for the first coat.
Surfaces should be prepared as usual, removing any flakes or very loose material and repairing with a suitable filler. Treat any areas of mould/algae with a fungicidal wash or diluted bleach solution, rinse and allow plenty of time for it to dry-out.
Stir the paint as normal, adding 30% to 50% Emulsa Bond by volume, depending on the surface condition. Essentially, you should not exceed these amounts and always do a small trial area first.
Is there any reason I shouldn’t use Emulsa Bond?
Emulsa Bond is a third-party additive and, as such, should be treated with a degree of caution since it is not a ‘wonder ingredient’ that paint manufacturers are simply neglecting to add to their own product.
It will enhance the paints performance in certain situations but could act detrimentally in others. Owatrol are a respected business, and have produced a number of great paint products, but there is no way that Emulsa Bond can be tested in every possible scenario.
It is vital, therefore, that you always do a test area first in case of any incompatibility issues. You should also be aware that using additives to branded paints will usually nullify any warranty and consumer rights should any subsequent issues occur.